Visiting rules
To preserve the conservation area for future generations
Visiting rules
Holasovice Village Monument Reserve
Dear visitor,
Thank you for having decided to visit the village conservation reserve - Historical Village Holasovice, one of the fourteen UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites of the Czech Republic. We hope you will enjoy your stay here.
These visitor regulations set rules and impose obligations on visitors to this monument to behave and move around the site according to the general rules of good behaviour, civil coexistence and consideration for the historical heritage, the natural environment, other visitors and property owned by the municipality or privately. By entering the grounds of the Historic Village of Holašovice, you agree to these Visitor Regulations.
Personal Safety:
Visitors are within the village grounds, the farmhouse is privately owned and there is no access to the interior. Please respect the privacy of local residents.
Visitors are required to avoid the risk of the possibility of injury. The Municipality of Jankov is not responsible for injuries or damages resulting from violations of these Visitor Regulations. Visitors are liable for damages caused by negligence or intent, or for damages caused to other visitors.
Minor children are the responsibility of their legal guardian.
A dog or other animal is the responsibility of its owner in accordance with the legislation in force. The animal must not in any way endanger or restrict other visitors, destroy public spaces, endanger monuments or other animals. In all areas, the owner must clean up after the animal's excrement, regardless of whether cleaning bags are provided in the litter bin holders. The owner must keep the animal on a secure, tight leash and respect the purpose of the public areas. Dogs are not allowed in the playground area near the Information Center building.
Vehicular access is regulated by road signs and local municipal ordinance. The north side of the village square, the road to Křemži and Nová Ves, is passable in both directions. On the inner perimeter side, parking is restricted by traffic signs, on the outer side of the village square, in front of the listed farmhouses, parking is restricted by local municipal ordinance. On the south side of the village square, a complete ban on the entry of motor vehicles is indicated by traffic signs and is only possible with written permission from the Jankov Municipality. There is a strict ban on driving and parking on grassed areas throughout the village. Parking is allowed in the marked parking lot along the building of the information centre and is subject to a fee. Payment is possible via a payment machine which is part of the designated parking lot. Bicycle racks are located within the village square for cyclists. It is strictly forbidden to lean bicycles against the facades of monuments, trees or other unassigned and unsuitable furniture.
Protection of monuments and greenery:
The following is prohibited in the entire area of the village square:
Damage to building objects, including wooden piston pumps.
Damage to playground equipment
Damage to trees and flowers
Build fires or tamper with open fires
Throwing rubbish outside the rubbish bins
Maintaining peace and order:
It is forbidden to disturb residents and other visitors with noise.
Musical, singing, theatrical and other performances are possible only with the permission of the Jankov Municipality.
Stall sales are strictly forbidden outside events organised by the Jankov Municipality. For events organized by the municipality, a contract is duly concluded and the fee for the occupation of public space is paid. Any other profitable activity in the municipality is possible only with the consent of the Jankov Municipality.
Filming and photography on the premises is only possible for private purposes. Filming and photographing from a drone is strictly forbidden (it is dealt with by a special issue of the Jankov Municipality Ordinance). By entering the premises, the visitor gives permission for the use of a photographic likeness or audio, visual or sound recording of his/her person, which may be taken during his/her presence on the premises for promotional purposes of the municipality, without any claim for compensation and without any time or space limitation. Persons making the above recordings shall be visibly identified.
Anyone who pollutes a public space or soils or damages a public facility is obliged to report the damage caused and to ensure its removal at his/her own expense, as soon as possible and in cooperation with the Jankov Municipality. During the Peasant Festival Holašovice, a separate visitor's code of conduct applies.
Enjoy your visit and stay in Holašovice and thank you for respecting the Visitor Regulations of the Holašovice Village Conservation Area.
For the Municipality of Jankov Ing. Jan Jílek - Mayor